- Learn to be a capital allocator
- Time is a flat circle
- The UX for Internet review sites is bad
- Why crypto is appealing to me
- Stay with a host if you're traveling solo
- The cost of distraction
- Solo travel vs. travel with friends
- Get into the diamond business
- Five topics to present about (without prep)
- Bookish cities
- How to blog more
- Reduce Twitter use for books
- Let's not make payments difficult for foreigners
- Industrialization sucks to live through
- Joining Threads
- Digital assets are inevitable
- Why do some people follow so many Twitter accounts?
- It doesn't pay to be a pessimist
- Do tip wages match output of work?
- A renewable source for (crypto) mining
- Coronavirus, Wuhan, and the truth
- AA 1356, in memorandum
- Revisiting bitcoin